Noche de Hogar

Family Home Evening is a unique and new activity for most families in El Oriente. The young missionaries planned an activity for the branch to introduce the concept to new members and friends investigating the Church of Jesus Christ. Here in our chapel in Lago Agrio we explain some fun options for activities. Luckily, missionaries were there to translate because our Spanish isn't good enough to describe much of anything. While studying Come Follow Me in 2 Corinthians, I came across I quote from President Eyring from April 2023 General Conference. "Yet there is reason for optimism: it is that the Light of Christ is placed in every newborn child. With that universal gift comes a sense of what is right, a desire to love and be loved. There is an inborn sense of justice and truth in every child of God as he or she comes into mortality." I thought of these two pictures of children. They do not see an artist's sculpture; they see a need. This little girl is trying to help ...