Shushufindi becomes a Branch!

It was a miracle to witness the little family group become a branch today in Shushufindi. Their family group was formed in 2019 and in just 4 years (and most of them pandemic years) they have brown into a branch. We brought President Osorio and his family who all arrived to our apartment on the same bike. His sister and brother-in-law are our landlords. We also picked up Sister Cabeza, who was waiting on the corner. All of them fit in the back seat of our Chevy Cruze. We had 78 people attend, including visitors from the Nueva Loja Branch. I brought the keyboard from Lago Agrio so they could have some live music. President Galán was fantastic in speaking about this event. He talked about April 6, 1830 and that's what it felt like. After the meeting he ate some celebratory grubs. The gentleman on the right served a mission in Guayaquil seven years ago, and he and his wife are traveling for a year in Ecuador and Colombia. Here's to a District, then a Stake, and someday a temple w...