We returned to Quito for a Zone-wide Christmas party and temple trip with the Románs. They are hosting each zone every day for 2 weeks! We are so grateful for their loving support. On Monday we drove back to Quito and checked into the hospidaje. And on Tuesday morning we were able to attend the morning endowment session with all our Oriente missionaries.
The weather was wonderful and we enjoyed chatting with everyone. The younger missionaries had traveled overnight on Sunday-Monday and spent the previous day in Quito. Here is Elder Willard with Elder Watkins (who is 6'6") and his companion, Elder Rodas (who is 5'0"), and hiding is Elder Vance.
I wandered around while they shopped in the distribution center and enjoyed the beautiful grounds.
Then they boarded a shuttle van and we got in our car to travel to the Iñaquito chapel for lunch and training. On the way there, we finally received a text notification that our next mission call was ready to be read! We were so excited after waiting for 6 weeks. We decided to wait until after lunch to read it in front of the zone. Paul loaded the call letter unto the projector so everyone could see it at the same time.
I gave my phone to Elder Nixon who took some pictures for us. We have been called to serve in Bucharest Romania as Welfare and Self-Reliance missionaries. There is only 1 districts in all of Romania so we will have a car and travel around the country. My hope is to travel to Hungary to see some ancestral locations. Although the Kiev Temple is the closest, we have no hope of going there. So it will be Germany or Rome if we want to visit a temple.
After training, we traveled up the hill to the Mission Leaders' home for dinner and games and singing. Each of our names is on a star above the piano.
We ate a delicious dinner and got to sing some Christmas songs. I brought my Surface which has the Readers Digest Merry Christmas book loaded. The US missionaries loved singing The Twelve Days of Christmas.
We played games and shared spiritual messages. Some of our missionaries had fun sweaters. When President Román saw Elder Steck's sweater, he ran and put on a red flannel shirt and took a picture with him.
Hermana Rodriguez looks so cute with her Santa hat. The view from their apartment in Tenis is so nice. Here is the daytime view:
And at night:
What a busy day! I can't imagine doing this every night.
I love that Conference is broadcast in Quichua for the Otavalo saints. We were able to watch every session in the comfort of our apartment. My favorite message was given by Elder Robert M. Daines. His talk about being face-blind was so touching. The quote that I researched immediately was, "A few years ago, I got a calling I didn't feel up to. I awoke early, nervous--but with a phrase in mind I had not heard before: that to serve in this Church is to stand in the river of God's love for His children." A wonderful blog post from Faith Matters tells the story of Elder Daines becoming a stake president in Palo Alto. He was currently working as a law and finance professor at Stanford University. In his first address to his stake he said something similar: Think for a minute of your favorite story of Jesus. What is it? You show me your favorite store of Jesus and I'll show you a story of Jesus reaching out to and loving someone on the margins of society, someone who w...
We returned to the Quito Temple for a week of worshiping and recharging. The temple has a split schedule (or a siesta schedule) so they open in the morning, close for the afternoon, and then reopen for the evening. This means we can attend an endowment session and then an extra ordinance before leaving for lunch. On Monday we arrived about 4pm and went to the Scala Mall for dinner. They are adding a 4th floor, so in the 6 weeks we have been gone, they opened the new food court up there. It is an exact replica of the 3rd floor. As you look across the open area of the mall (with its tarp roof), you can see where the 3rd floor was open. We would eat KFC there by the windows. Today we are enjoying McDonalds for the first time in over 2 years. On Tuesday-Friday we walk up from the Scala Mall on this wonderful ciclovia. Some of its largest trees were blooming with huge yellow flowers. One of the most popular restaurants in Cumbaya, El Palacio de la Fritada, is always busy. I order...
Papo's is our new favorite spot to eat. They always give you lots of food and it's delicious. I was starting to feel a cold coming on, but it was still nice to go out and eat. We picked up some of these fried bananas on the way out of Quito and they were the most delicious snack I've had. I should have bought more. They were only $1. Crunchy, sweet, and delicious. In the middle of our trip, we hit a pothole and got a flat tire. Right in the middle of the Andes. Luckily, Paul found a bus stop to pull over into because there are no shoulders on the road. He put the spare on and we drove the 100 miles home on it. And it wasn't raining. What a blessing!
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