Drive Back Home

I'm so sarcastically excited to drive back to Coca. Since we need to get back on Thursday to teach English in Shushufindi, we attended the temple on Wednesday, and left early on Thursday. We decided to drive the long way through the bridge washout, stop by Lago Agrio and then go to Shushufindi.

Here I am showing off my Chacos in El Chaco. It is a tiny little town with a population of about 4,000 in the Napo province.

Here we go again.

As soon as we got through, we ran into a stopped line of traffic. Something had happened ahead, but we couldn't see what it was. It was rainy and foggy.

After about 20 minutes the smaller vehicles were allowed to go ahead. A truck had flipped on a corner.

Men were unloading whatever had been thrown out of the bed. We snuck by on the narrow road. About 2 hours later we were in Lago Agrio, picking up some apartment fixings and stopping by our old apartment. After teaching in Shushufindi and driving another 1.5 hours, we were home. I think it was 12 hours from when we left Quito. Phew!


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