Happy Father's Day

 We enjoyed the branch's Father's Day party in Coca on Friday evening. The Orellana Branch and the Coca Branch combined to celebrate their fathers.

It was a night never to be forgotten. They brought a singer in who could really belt a tune.

After some great songs, we enjoyed many performances by members. They love to dance here!

I brought a Texas Sheet Cake and was able to serve all the fathers. It was probably sweeter than what they're used to, but I'm a sugar junky.

On Sunday, we enjoyed having the missionaries over for dinner. Two of them were headed home that night, but the roads were impassable and they were stuck until the morning. Luckily, the bus left in the morning and they still made their Monday night flight.

Elders Olson and Zirker (the tall ones) completed two years of service in spectacular fashion. They were gentle giants, full of testimony and kindness. I know they will be great leaders wherever they go. Elders Ford and Rodriguez were transferred this week to the new Quito West Mission, so we won't be able to enjoy their company for our last 5 weeks. I'm impressed with all of them. El Oriente is not an easy place to serve. Their apartments have no air conditioning or hot water. And the temperatures everyday are tough.

But they are always smiling. I was sad to see many missionaries leave this week that we have enjoying serving with. Elder Draper, Elder Rowell, Elder Yocum all have left. 


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