
 For our exit from the mission, we were invited to go to the mission home on Saturday evening and stay until our departure on Monday evening. We drove to our favorite Korean restaurant, Tasty, did our best to say "thank you" in Korean and found our way to the new mission home. The apartment in Tenis was sold and this place inside a conjunto was found. It was incredible large with room for plenty of missionaries to sleep on the floor.

On Sunday we attended the El Inca Ward with President and Sister Bradshaw. Elder Wallis wanted to see a confirmation of a young sister he had helped find the gospel. President and Sister DelCarpio were there as well as this was outside our mission. I was thrilled to see Elder Hall and a few of the other missionaries who were coming home with us. It was a surprise to see President Galán who is now in the new presidency. I even saw President and Sister Osorio from the Lago Agrio Branch who were visiting family 6 hours from home. What a surprise! Then I saw Hermana Delgadillo. I had a hard time keeping it together. She is such a sweet missionary who has impressed me with her desire to learn English.

After chatting with some local members, we had our picture taken. When I looked at the picture the Románs took in front of the Quito Temple just after landing, I realized we were wearing the same clothes. Coming and going. Eighteen months goes by so quickly.

We enjoyed a lovely dinner with the office missionaries and the 10 of us leaving. Sister Ramirez from the office joined us as well as the couple replacing us, Elder and Sister Blackner, from Federal Way. It happened that their daughter was going to take the bar exam with Frazier on Tuesday. I hope they both passed!


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