Eating out

 While many in the US are feeling the effects of inflation, we are slipping by with a few dollars here and there. Young coconuts are $1 a few streets away. It's fun to watch the vendor with his machete hacking up a coconut. When I poured out the coconut water it measured 32 ounces!

If we want a fresh pineapple and some strawberries, we walk a few blocks north to a cute little lady who has a stand full of fruits and vegetables. We spent $2 on this haul.

Since everything grows every day here, all fruits and vegetables are always available. This cantaloupe was $2 and was so ripe that I could eat all the way to the rind.

If we want to head out for lunch, we stop by Papo's and have lunch for $3. We took our local missionaries out for July 4th lunch. 

Since it was Independence Day, I knew they would be missing home, thinking about their family barbecues, fireworks, and homemade ice cream. I made some strawberry cupcakes with lime and coconut frosting.

There were lots leftover so I took them with me to English class in Shushfindi. The class was packed, but I had just enough for everyone.

Elder Gividen is such a ham. He's flying home with us at the end of July.

I love to have little children in class because they are not afraid of making mistakes. They just shout out what they think. 


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