Last visit to the Quito Temple

 We drove the last time through the Andes to Cumbayá to stay at the temple. It was such a relief knowing that we wouldn't have to drive that again. The car was starting to have suspension problems, too. We arrived to find some missionaries from the neighboring Quito Mission. One of them was from Whidbey Island!

He was headed home just a month after us. We enjoyed talking about home and our favorite places to visit. Of course, I explained our regular summer jaunt out to Whidbey, usually when a tourist came to see our island. We would drive off Camano up to I-20, then west to Fidalgo Island, cross Deception Pass, drive to Fort Casey to play on the battlements, then on to the Clinton/Mukilteo ferry and drive north I-5 home. If it was a good season, we would bring kites.

We enjoyed lots of temple work, our regular daily hikes, and our favorite places for lunch. I almost cried saying goodbye to Manolo's because they were so nice to us. A group from Pasto, Columbia were there for 3 days doing temple work day and night. I love their faithfulness.


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