The Last Day

On Monday, July 29th we woke up to the last day in the mission field. At about 7am we all piled out of the apartment and walked down the street to find President DelCarpio's apartment which had some pickleball courts. It was a glorious morning with perfect temperatures. Most of the elders had completely worn-out shoes and clothes. Paul and I continued walking around the conjunto, which was enormous, and found some hungry German Shepherds. We talked nicely to them to no avail. Some played spikeball and some of us played pickleball. I'd never played before and I had a terrible time judging the ball speed. But when I joined President Bradshaw for a second game, we beat the young elders. We returned and cleaned ourselves up for a trip into downtown Quito. We went to the Virgin de Panecillo where President Kimball had dedicated the work of the gospel for Ecuador. This was before the huge statue was erected. Here is a view from below. And here it is up close: The views are p...